Somatic Experiencing

As a qualified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, I help people overcome symptoms caused by trauma or post-traumatic stress. 


Somatic Experiencing is a complementary therapy based on the work of American psychotherapist Dr Peter Levine who believes trauma is primarily biological rather than a disease. 


Humans have a natural ability to overcome the effects of trauma but when we try to deal with traumatic or overwhelming events on a purely rational basis, we subdue the primal instincts of the body and this can cause a build-up of energy (often referred to as the 'fight or flight response'). If this energy is not released, it rushes through the nervous system leading to a variety of symptoms, some of which may not emerge for many years. 


Somatic Experiencing gently re-establishes the natural flow of energy to restore health and wellbeing. 


Find out more about Somatic Experiencing


If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, you can call me directly on: 


07748 038 428  


Or you can use this contact form to email me.


Karina Becker Karina Becker